Xism Design
Branding & Identity
Posters & Banners
Packaging & Product
Exibition & Environmental
GREENTECHINC Company Brochure
KOTITI Brochure Set
Brochure kit for a FT solution
Design for the Mental Health Art Festival
Brochure for a VR solution
Promotional material for HAFS
GRI White Paper & Pamphlet
Book design for a project at GIST
Promotion design for JayeonOne
Brochure design for a raw material company
Gwacheon City Tourist Map
Brochure and Catalog of Mtron SSD
Brochure of IT Company
Horse Racing Cinema Festival Pamphlet
Brochure for KOTITI
Brochure design for CIP/COP Korea
Product Catalog for Sookook
Brochure design for Genius
Radon Protech Brochure
Brchure design for Sookook
EWP Solution Brochure
GIST Reserch Institute Pamphlet
Brochure for Intelligent Vision Tech
Product Catalog for Hyundai
Brief Template for KRIHS
Samsung Mobile Shop Display Guide
Display Guide Book for Samsung Mobile
Samsung Global Shop Identity Guide
Brochure for Velos RTOS
Ubiquious Tech Brochure
Brochure for a Construction Technology
Brochure design for GIS solution